Friday, August 08, 2003

heart of darkness, part 9

The latest from Mr. Mongosutu:
-----Original Message-----

From: richard mongosutu [mailto:(deleted)]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 3:49 AM
Subject: The way you want it.
Dear Jeremy,
I appreciate the efforts once again but i must confess that i could have 

preffered a situation whereby you can handle this personally. but as it now
it's like Constance is a sister you trust so much and that means we have to
proceed in whatever way you dem it fit to be done on your own side. It is
your assistance that i need and whatever way you think you can handle it
lets do it the way too.
So right now i am still waiting for you to give me the go ahead to arrange 

things on my side. I will have to contact a lawyer for the Power of
attorney. so i am waiting for you.
Best regards,

Richard gosutu.

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