Tuesday, December 09, 2003

a perigee in my pedigree

My half-sister Dahlia is downright effervescent because, with only three weeks to go in the NFL season, she has finally caught Rob Clark, the object of much of her admiration and romantic aspiration, in his NFL pool. She has been trailing him by several points all year long. Now, the only thing separating them in the standings is a pesky tiebreaker, which she has choosen to ignore since she doesn't want her tie with Rob to be broken. I don't know if she will be able to keep it up, but rest assured, she is out there somewhere right now scouring NFL websites trying to come up with exactly those picks that will allow her to keep abreast of him. Standings below.
Cumulative Rankings     Points PB 

(1) Anne Berry 136 -
(1) Ashley Finley 136 -
(3) Rob Clark 134 2
(4) Jeff Tonole 134 2
(5) Joe Berry 134 2
(6) Dahlia Hawkins 134 2
(7) Rita Noonan 131 5
(8) X-Nick Kroska 130 6
(9) Shelley Correll 125 11
(10) Steve Hitlin 125 11
(11) Lauren Winsterman 118 18
(12) Jean Winsterman 115 21
(13) Ellie Buckley 113 23
(14) Paul Noonan 102 34

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