I got the license plates for the Corolla today!
welcome! jeremy freese is a professor in sociology at northwestern university. he finds blogging to be a good diversion from insomnia and a far better use of time than television.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ruth Freese [mailto:[deleted]@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:31 PM
To: Jeremy Freese
NEWS FLASH...............[SISTER] CALLED AT 9:10, ............[NIECE]'S WATERCurses Hotmail! Perhaps my mother's insistence on using 12 or more periods for an elipsis set my spam filter askew.
.............................[SISTER] IS IN CEDAR FALLS , SAID SHE WOULD BE
the 6:00am experiment is over. today i woke up at 7:00am. despite the
prime-ness of the number 7, we now think that 7:00am is the BEST time
possible for alarm-setting purposes. and were it not for the
overly-ambitious original 6:00am plan, this 7:00am plan would appear to be
quite the achievement for an aspiring rise-and-shiner. however, now it
just looks like i'm slacking, even though this new plan would still be a
wake-up time that gets me out of bed somewhere between 3-5 hours earlier
than what is normal for me.
nevertheless, today is DAY ONE of my new 7:00am plan. because this
requires an 11:00pm bedtime, i call it my 7/11 plan. forget about
previous announcements. this email represents the true ribbon-cutting of
my nocturnal transformation. it is my ceremonial key to the city of
slumber. and it is the champagne bottle that breaks against the side of
the ship whose maiden voyage i now embark...
I was thinking about what you said concerning romantic movies with a male protagonist, and I think I finally figured out one big reason why I hate "Jerry Maguire" so much. I never could see why Renee Zellweger would just up and quit her job to follow and fall in love with Tom Cruise, who acts mainly like a moron/asshole throughout the movie. It's as if his Tom Cruiseness was supposed to be enough for us to get it.reader e-mail #2:
This isn't the only reason why I hate it. Still, thanks to your blog post, it's finally all come together for me. I feel so much better about hating this movie now. Thanks!
I love that a mere two hours after you denounce food forever you cave in and eat some fruit. I also love that you blog about it so that all blog readers know about your weak resolve. I love the blog. It's very useful.
"my 6:00am streak has come to a crashing halt. i will attempt a new streak tomorrow..."Meanwhile, I am drinking calcium-enriched orange juice* and have still not broken my fast.
has anyone ever told you you bear a slight resemblance to jim carrey?No. That's a new one. The celebrities I have been told I look the most like over the years are Dan Ackroyd and Linus Van Pelt.
every time i see a preview or ad for eternal sunshine of the spotless
mind, i do a double take.
"The abundance of outdoor sex advertisements has caught the attention of Missouri legislators, who are aggressively trying to cut down on the signs.
Separate bills approved by the state House and Senate would ban most highway billboards for businesses where workers appear nude or where more than 10 percent of the store space is used to display pornography." [...]
Motorists traveling Missouri highways had mixed reactions to the legislation.
Jeff Trampleasure of Wentzville said the billboards made him dread the day he'll have to explain the sexy pitches to his children.
"I think it's trash," Trampleasure, 27, said.
A young soap opera actress is practicing her line, "I didn't ask for the anal probe," and tries out various options:
I didn't ask for the anal probe.
I didn't ask for the anal probe.
I didn't ask for the anal probe.
I didn't ask for the anal probe.
I didn't ask for the anal probe.
For decades, the Chinese propagated the myth that their most famous creation was visible from space. Elementary-school textbooks in the world's most populous nation still proclaim that the structure can be seen by the naked eye of an orbiting cosmonaut.Despite the suggestion of this article that this myth only exists in China and only because of its being nurtured by the Chinese, I was taught this in an American junior high school, and I have heard it repeated in homegrown sources a few zillion times since. I wondered aloud about it when I first heard it, and I've been perplexed about it ever since. I mean, why would something whose remarkable virtue was its length, as opposed to its height or localized bulk, be visible from outer space? I presumed that there was something I wasn't getting. Hmph.
But Marc is just one of the many contenders trying to electronically woo Hot Abercrombie Chick! While his is one approach to the HAC heart, a quick perusal of the Comments and Guestbook parts of her blog reveal several other tactics, almost all of which involve variations on the frequently-tried-and-sometimes-effective strategy of trying to win affection by providing an overwhelming onslaught of shock-and-awe-sucking-up:
This is a picture of me and my current girlfriend, but I'd be willing to substitute you for her. --Marc
Scotty: HAC is WAY too good to be true! That is the highest compliment a mere mortal such as myself can pay to an angel he doesn't even have the right to dream of.
Bengual: i would trade my soul for your love... amanda...i was listening to john mayer-your body is a wonderland and i remembered you...it would be really nice if you post new pictures of you...i set your picture as desktop background which has made my life much more happy...it is like looking paradise from above...
Leon: hey baby, i gots some philosophy for ya: you put the karl in my marx. now lets get together and make sweet communist music.
Mark: Wow, beautiful intelligent females exist? I've been looking all my life just for someone remotely attractive and intelligent, who would of thought. Good luck on finding an equivilent [oof!: tip to mark: if you are going to try the beautiful-and-intelligent pitch, be sure you've got everything spelled right] guy. Im just glad because now...THERE IS HOPE, and they do exist!
Sean: Amanda... You're perfect looking. Love the way you dress, and I really like your smile. You may officially be the sexiest girl on the planet!
Jeremy (NO! Not me! This Jeremy lists his e-mail address as: Godisalivinggod@yahoo.com) Amanda, Wow, your site it fun to visit! Thanks for taking the time to keep it up. God Bless, Jeremy.
Bristow: Nice site, great topics and all of it from a very attractive person. Keep it up! You're a great role model!
Mr. Drake [owner of a Hummer dealership] said he was approached by a well-known actress, whose name he declined to share.
'She told me she wanted to buy a hybrid, and she was concerned about the Hummer and its effect on the environment,' Mr. Drake recalled. 'I asked where she lived. She said Beverly Hills. I said, `Out of curiosity: How big is your house?'
'She said: `What does that matter? It's 20,000 square feet.' '
He said he replied: 'I don't know what's less correct. Having three people live in a 20,000-square-foot house, with a pool and heaters and air-conditioners. Or me driving my Hummer 500 miles a month.'
Mr. Drake's house, he said, is 3,000 square feet.
when did alan thicke die?
never mind. i had been far far behind in my blog reading.
i used to have a crush on him. i was haunted by chronic
alan thicke cravings for most of the eighties. he was hot.
and canadian. the only celebrity i can think of who is
hotter and more canadian is eugene levy. maybe also
alex trebek.
1. How many goals are on a basketball court?A weird thing about this is that, at least in the earlier stories of his dismissal, Harrick, Jr. was accused of giving preferential treatment to three basketball players by not requiring them to attend classes or take the exams to get an A in the course. As it turns out, Harrick, Jr. didn't require anyone to take the final, didn't attend many of the classes himself, and gave every student in the class A's. Harrick, Jr. can't really be accused of offering preferential treatment to athletes when held everyone to the same non-standards. So does all this make Harrick, Jr. look better or worse than if he given A's to the three players in his class without requiring anything but had actually put together and taught a real course with challenging tests for the rest of the students?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
2. How many players are allowed to play at one time on any one team in a regulation game?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
5. How many halves are in a college basketball game?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
6. How many quarters are in a high school basketball game?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
8. How many points does a 3-point field goal account [sic] for in a Basketball Game?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
11. What is the name of the exam which all high school seniors in the State of Georgia must pass?
a. Eye Exam
b. How Do The Grits Taste Exam
c. Bug Control Exam
d. Georgia Exit Exam
CHICAGO (AP) -- Hold the fries -- at least the super-sized version. In a sign of the times, McDonald's is getting rid of the extra-large portions that had become one of its signatures. The burger giant said it has begun phasing out Supersize fries and drinks in its more than 13,000 U.S. restaurants and will stop selling them altogether by year's end, except in promotions. "
sign #1: terrorists
sign #2: love gun control
sign #3: disarmed victims
sign #4: are their goal
sign #1: roses are red
sign #2: my gun is blue
sign #3: i am safe
sign #4: how about you?
sign #1: shooting sports
sign #2: are safe and fun
sign #3: there's no need
sign #4: to fear a gun
i had a friend named rainbow when i was growing up. at times she was my best friend and at times we hated each other. i'm pretty sure that she is institutionalized or dead now, but in any case i lost touch with her a long time ago. i'm pretty sure she had schizophrenia. anyway, her grandmother did. rainbow was so embarassed of her grandmother that she would never let anyone come over. well, she also wouldn't let people come to her house because her dad was a seriously [expletive] up vietnam vet. his job in the war was to take personal effects off of the bodies to send home to families. christ, that is creepy. rainbow's mom was pretty crazy, too, but in a more functioning way. but, rainbow's grandmother had been give electroshock therapy at some point. i guess she was less schizophrenic, but she was way, way nonsensical. every day when rainbow came home from school, her grandmother would say, "how was school today?" and rainbow would say, "fine, gramma" and dart off to her room. rainbow's gramma would call down the hall, "Champs! Champs!" while shaking her fists in the air. if one called to talk to rainbow and her grandmother happened to reach the phone first, she would always say that rainbow was picking up her mother at the airport. rainbow's grandmother seemed pretty happy.
rainbow, on the other hand, was not happy at all.
A poll released earlier this year by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that 21 percent of people aged 18 to 29 cited 'The Daily Show' and 'Saturday Night Live' as a place where they regularly learned presidential campaign news.
By contrast, 23 percent of the young people mentioned ABC, CBS or NBC's nightly news broadcasts as a source.
Even more startling is the change from just four years ago. When the same question was asked in 2000, Pew found only 9 percent of young people pointing to the comedy shows and 39 percent to the network news shows.
"There is no salvation for those outside the (Catholic) church," Gibson replied. "I believe it."
He elaborated: "Put it this way. My wife is a saint. She's a much better person than I am. Honestly. She's, like, Episcopalian, Church of England. She prays, she believes in God, she knows Jesus, she believes in that stuff. And it's just not fair if she doesn't make it; she's better than I am. But that is a pronouncement from the chair. I go with it."