As you surely know, the swiftest way to fame and oodles of cash these days is to come up with a winning comic book/graphic novel series. Unfortunately, among some artistically-inclined associates of mine, enthusiasm has wanted for my own idea, Invisible Untenured Detective, about an assistant professor at Harvard who solves mysteries, aided by the fact that he is considered so irrelevant and unworthy by senior colleagues and students as to be rendered, for many crime-fighting intents and purposes, invisible. Instead, they have been working on their own concept, The Sower, about an especially virile hero who is dispatched on various world-saving and woman-wooing adventures.
Now, by miraculous happenstance, the State of Nebraska has opened an advisory poll for what should be put on the back of their state quarter, and one of the images that of a mysterious state icon coincidentally known as "The Sower." Can you imagine the free advertising of having tens of millions of Americans carrying around pictures of your comic-book-character in their back pockets? My associates are already working feverishly on changing the proto-drawings of their hero to look more like a hypertestosteronized version of the guy on the coin and on changing the backstory to have the hero hail from somewhere in Nebraska (Bellevue? Kearney? Wahoo?). Anyway, especially considering that some of their billions in profits could somehow trickle down to me: please go immediately to the Nebraska state quarter polling website, ignore the stuff about being a Nebraska resident, resist the temptation to vote for the truly wacky and disturbed Design #11, resist also the temptation to vote for the various drawings centered on their State Capitol (hmm, I wonder how many states have one of those), and cast your vote for Design #9.
okay, i voted for your man the sower. now i want in on the comic book. can i do the lettering? inking?
How much for the movie rights to either of these characters? I'm thinking the multitalented Hugh Jackman, or perhaps Philip Seymour Hoffman. I'll have my people call your people. (You DO have people, right?) - Eric
I don't think either of those stars are A-list enough to play The Sower, or nebbishy enough to play I.U.D.. But if you've got someone willing to pay for the movie rights, I suppose I don't care if the film ends up being well-cast.
come on! hugh jackman was great as wolverine! what do you know anyway, jeremy?
Want a nebbishy villain? How can you go wrong with Woody Allen?
The Invisible Untenured Detective is not a villain. He's a good guy. For that matter, he could even be a she, which make actually make for a better storyline, although then 'nebbishy' wouldn't be the right word for what we want casting-wise.
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