Wednesday, July 30, 2003

more on prediction markets

The Irish website featuring real-stakes prediction markets that I mentioned yesterday has now opened up a market for whether Adm. Poindexter, the Iran-Contra figure involved in the now-swiftly-abandoned Policy Analysis Market, will be gone from his job by the end of August. There have not yet been any trades in the market so there is no price to report.
Dublin, Jul. 30 (TradeSports) -- Tradesports has opened a new 0-100 proposition contract on Admiral Poindexter remaining on the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency(DARPA) payroll by August 31st 2003.

This contract can be found under Current Events>Pentagon.

The contract will expire at 100 if Admiral Pointexter is still officially on the DARPA payroll by 11:59pm ET on the specific date. The contract will expire at 0 if Admiral Poindexter is not on the DARPA payroll at this time.

Also: The Policy Analysis Market website has already been taken down! Click here for what is at the moment nothing but a blank white screen.

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