Tuesday, June 08, 2004

the kinds of riveting intellectual conversations you get to have when you become a professor

To Jeremy, sent 5/25:
1.)  Please fill out and sign the attached [copyright release] form and MAIL 

OR FAX it back to me. Do not email it back, since I need your signature.
2.)  Also attached is the electronic copy of [document].  Please review it 

to make sure that it is the correct version and that everything is there that
should be.
3.)  Please supply me with an address, a telephone number, and a fax number 

where you will be able to be reached in the latter part of [name of month]
and the first part of [name of month after that].
From Jeremy, between 5/25-6/3:

[Nothing. I know, I know.]

To Jeremy, sent 6/4:
Several weeks ago, I informed you that [message].  At that time, I asked you 

to fill out an [copyright release] form, to give me an address and fax number
where you could be reached in [name of month] and [name of month after that],
and to check the current version of [document] to make sure it is the correct
one. I have not heard from you. [negative consequences that will occur if I
am not heard from soon]
From Jeremy, sent 6/4:
I apologize.  I received the e-mail you sent ten days ago (on 5/25) but have been

trying to get a couple of other things out for deadlines. My contact
information is:
Jeremy Freese

Department of Sociology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: [number].  I do not have a fax machine here (I work from home).*  

However, I have attached a signed and scanned rights form, which is binding
the same way a fax is binding.
I will read [document] and return it within 72 hours.  I will include 

electronic copies in a couple of different formats in case there is a problem
reading it.
To Jeremy, sent 6/4:
Thanks so much!  Faxing the [copyright release] form is fine.  My fax number 

here is [number].
[note: this requires a separate shlep to campus just to fax the document]

From Jeremy, sent 6/7:
I apologize again for my delay in returning this.  I've attached [document].  

If another format or other changes are needed, just let me know. Also, you
should have received the fax of the [copyright release] form.
To Jeremy, sent 6/7:
Thanks. One more question:  Could you let me know an address, fax number and 

phone number where you will be able to be reached the last part of [name of
month] and all of [name of month after that]?
From Jeremy, sent 6/7:
Sure.  My contact information is:

Jeremy Freese
Department of Sociology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Telephone: [number]. I do not have a fax machine.
* "Why didn't you say, '(I work from my home/RV)'?" You'd be surprised at how I try to leave the wheeled-ness of my domicile out of my professional correspondence.

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