Or else you are just going to keep tripping and falling every month or two when you run. It's bad enough for your knees that you insist on running on uneven sidewalks and cobblestones and things, you don't need to skin them up as well, as amusing as it may be for the drunk college kids who watch you tumble. Plus, it's a certainty that one of these falls you are going to end up breaking your wrist (or, worse, your kneecap), breaking your lifelong no-broken-bones streak.
looks a lot like jam.
that's kind of gross, jam or not
gotta be easier ways to get sympathy...
hairy hair...yuck
anonymous 4:31: what's your problem with hair? we are mammals. should he have scales instead?
As if Mom doesn't worry about you enough. (ha!) She's going to freak when she sees this! Expect a call.
that is gross
How is it that people like you and I who trip and fall reguarly have never had a broken bone?
Even though it's gross, you have my sympathies.
Forget the skinned knee. Why is your leg so suet-y? What do you eat antway>
that's anyway
Lumpy varicose veins at your age?
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