I suppose I should have realized that once you get onto general University WiFi networks, you get a whole different order of magnitude of people sharing their iTunes libraries. I'm used to only seeing three or four libraries on a network (some iTunes user in Madison social science can inform me of what the number currently available over ssc there is). At the institute I'm part of, my officemates extensive classical music collection and my own extensive 80's and 90's pop/alternative collections are mainstays. There is zero overlap between them. I wish there was something where one could see which was more popular with the others in the building.
I see that one of the iTunes Libraries being offered is titled "go south on a southie." Wonderful. Have I mentioned that my beloved mother has started reading my blog? Mom, a "southie" is a slang term for someone from South Boston. Mom, that's all I'm going to explain.
I'm here in the reading room of the Harvard Library because I wanted to get away from my office and focus on getting some writing done. So what am I doing online, you ask? Good question. Bye.
Thank you for creating this post, which moves the picture of blood off of my screen.
Get away from 'campus'? What library are you working in? Yard? Where are you? Michigan? Harvard calls it a 'campus' these days? Confusion. Confusion.
Oops, typo. Fixed.
Please tell me that sharing iTunes libraries like this is legal. If not then I can't imagine why you would blog about it. After all, the RIAA doesn't need more encouragement and information.
Yes, it's legal. You can only play other people's songs within iTunes, not copy them (there does exist other software that lets you copy songs from shared libraries, which presumably is illegal.)
Thanks for the clarification. That's cool then.
frostwire is free, install and update Peer Guardian
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