Saturday, July 29, 2006

you're so vain, you probably think you have a psychic connection with a bar a thousand miles away (as well as that this post is about you)

It's karaoke night for the sociologists back in Madison. I knew this anyway, but would know it otherwise because they just called with someone holding up the phone while some combination of people were singing "You're So Vain." Strangest part of all--indeed, I type knowing you probably won't believe me--but when the phone rang I was sitting here at my tablet PC with my headphones in, and the song that was playing was "You're So Vain."

(All of which is well and good and fun, but as a brief matter of clarification: Cambridge is an hour ahead of Madison. And while it is [perhaps too] widely known that I welcome cel phone calls at any time, since I don't hear my cel phone if I'm asleep--and don't pick it up if I'm disinclined anyway--do not call my landline number with its intentionally loud in-case-someone-I-love-dies ringer at ~12:51 AM, even if prob(JF awake|1AM) basically = 1 these days. Yes, caller(s) in question, this parenthetical note is about you.)


Anonymous said...

I did not mean to call your land line. It is just in my cell phone. I will remove it today.

carly said...

*ahh* karaoke. man, i wish i coulda been there.

Anonymous said...

...multitasking will make you ******