(from the most recent Madison karaoke, Emily does the robot in the interlude of us singing "Birdhouse In Your Soul", whose video unfortunately is not available on this site [then again, it's from 1990, so isn't 80's anyway])*
"Oh My God!" Jeremy shrieks in his best Valley Girl voice. Thanks to Eszter, I just found this site of 80's music videos. There goes an hour of my life well-spent. The first ten I listened to:
Take on Me, A-Ha** I thought this video was the coolest thing I had ever seen in my life when I first saw it. It's now only like maybe the 39th coolest thing.
Could You Be The One?, Husker Du**
Walking on Sunshine, Katrina and the Waves
Straight Up, Paula Abdul***
New England, Kirsty MacColl****
Mexican Radio, Wall of Voodoo
Pure, Lightning Seeds*****
Girl You Know It's True, Milli Vanilli******
Don't Believe the Hype, Public Enemy
** As I've said, this is my favorite HüDü song, and I'm glad they did it after selling out so there's a video.
*** I had a crush on Paula back in the day and owned this album on both tape and CD. Looking back on it now, I was, as I so often am, absolutely right.
**** R.I.P. You have not been forgotten.
*****This is my nominee for most underappreciated dork-joy-pop song ever.
******This song is totally awesome; I don't care what anyone says. It's worth rewatching just for the opening, although I played the video twice, dancing in my Native Iowan shirt and robot-pajama-pants for the entertainment of those in the Harvard Divinity School dorm across the street.
* This was the first song of the night. Emily insisted she do her "Why is six afraid of seven?" joke as the soundcheck. Funnibumpity.
So I'm all ready to make fun of the karaoke thing and the shirt that looks like you spilled a pint down the front of, and you pull a fast one by revealing a familiarity with Ian Broudie and the Lightning Seeds. Bah.
For some silly reason I woke up at 4:30 this morning. The 1st thing I did was to go to JFW. I could have done something else, but noooooooooo, JFW! 30 minutes later, trying to get back to sleep, "take on me" over and over and over!
Jeremy, I will never read your blog at 4:30 am again.
Whad'ya know, my nominee for the most underappreciaged dorky-joy-pop song ever is also a Lighning Seeds song, but it's "The Life of Riley." "Pure" is cute enough, but "Riley" is all skipping-through-London-on-a-sunny-spring-day. Also, "Riley"'s peak UK chart position was also lower, so it's also objectively more underappreciated than "Pure."
FYI, there's a just-released Very Best of the Lightning Seeds CD out.
I would be willing to be persuaded by "Life of Riley", if I had an mp3 of it. Hmm.
And that is not a pint on my shirt! I don't know why the photo turned out like that.
And I cannot be responsible for lost sleep due to Take On Me! Those guys with the helmets are scary.
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