welcome! jeremy freese is a professor in sociology at northwestern university. he finds blogging to be a good diversion from insomnia and a far better use of time than television.
Monday, September 27, 2004
recurrent quiz feature: which headline doesn't belong?
As a redux of an earlier quiz, consider the five latest-breaking-up-to-the-minute news stories running right now on the Salon magazine sidebar.
Looks like we're all stumped. So we give... Which one doesn't belong?
- and along these general lines, I see by the newspaper that the organic health food industry is being challenged over its claims that organic is healthier. The article said the organic food market hit 10.4 billion last year. Talk about cutting a slice out of the proverbial sacred cow. A one Dr. Joe Rosens from Rutgers U Food Science has been honing the ol' butcher knife it seems. It appears that more than one Twinkie fan has cited the lack of scientific evidence to support the Organic industry's claim to salvation and eternal life. Dr. Ewen Todd from Michigan State U National Food Safety and Toxicology Center stated that there is a real lack of scientific data to support the contentions by the organic community. The pictures of bacon posted in this forum look all the more enticing.
The Chefs at wandos that serve up their generous portions of those tasty porkers may not be willing to talk about the manure, sulfur, copper, pyrehethrum and rotenone used for oranganic foods , and to grow the grain Ms. Piggy ingests prior to being used as bait to lure college students to Wandos where they spend their pell grants so freely. It seems our Government does not regulate the amount of such chemicals. Oh boy! Rotenone for instance, a natural insecticide, is derived from roots of tropical plants that are highly toxic to fish. Least your students get festering boils on their buttocks, when Wandos serves up catfish, they may want to supersize at McDonalds instead.
Looks like we're all stumped. So we give... Which one doesn't belong?
Okay, here's the answer: It's the last one, which is the only one where Salon uses the past-tense form of the verb in the headline.
- and along these general lines, I see by the newspaper that the organic health food industry is being challenged over its claims that organic is healthier. The article said the organic food market hit 10.4 billion last year. Talk about cutting a slice out of the proverbial sacred cow. A one Dr. Joe Rosens from Rutgers U Food Science has been honing the ol' butcher knife it seems. It appears that more than one Twinkie fan has cited the lack of scientific evidence to support the Organic industry's claim to salvation and eternal life. Dr. Ewen Todd from Michigan State U National Food Safety and Toxicology Center stated that there is a real lack of scientific data to support the contentions by the organic community. The pictures of bacon posted in this forum look all the more enticing.
Actually, all the bacon served at Wando's is organic.
The Chefs at wandos that serve up their generous portions of those tasty porkers may not be willing to talk about the manure, sulfur, copper, pyrehethrum and rotenone used for oranganic foods , and to grow the grain Ms. Piggy ingests prior to being used as bait to lure college students to Wandos where they spend their pell grants so freely. It seems our Government does not regulate the amount of such chemicals. Oh boy! Rotenone for instance, a natural insecticide, is derived from roots of tropical plants that are highly toxic to fish. Least your students get festering boils on their buttocks, when Wandos serves up catfish, they may want to supersize at McDonalds instead.
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