Wednesday, September 08, 2004

next, you take aleph to the gimelth power...

You know something that you are reading that uses formal notation is going to be intense when you skim ahead and see that they start by using regular uppercase and lowercase letters, and then incorporate greek uppercase and lowercase letters, and then script letters, and then you see these other squiggles and you realize--yikes--they have now moved into the Hebrew alphabet as well.


Tom Volscho said...

wow, what book is that?

Anonymous said...

Was it The Bible Codes?

jeremy said...

It was a book that applies the same cutting-edge-Bible-Code-mathematical-techniques to Marx's _Das Kapital_. Turns out that Marx made more prophecies than Nostradamus.

Tom Volscho said...

Is it the John Roemer book (1981)? I got lost pretty quickly. I read a paper someone has under review where they argue that we should empirically study exploitation...presumably you could take productivity and divide by wages, and if it productivity of workers increases relative to wages, then exploitation is increasing, etc.