Friday, September 03, 2004

don't mess with texas, especially if any male-male hugging is to be involved, because we all know what that's really about

As if the previous post didn't have me bleak enough, Slate is running this stanza from a little song improvised by the ever-clever Texas delegation at the Republican National Convention:
Kerry's always hugging John Edwards,
They're a cute couple, its true-ue-ue-ue,
They're also pushing gay marriage,
What does that say to you?"


Anonymous said...

Damn. All of us Texas transplants are slapping our foreheads in shame and disgust right now. Did you notice that the name of the a cappella group singing this little ditty was "The Redistricters"? Hilarious.

dorotha said...

texans like to make it very difficult for me to defend them. um... don't forget about ann richards. or all of the harrieds.

jeremy said...

Do the Harried men hug? Or are they the type that sit with one seat between them in the movie theater so that no one will accidentally mistake them for supporters of gay marriage?

Anonymous said...

I feel that I should comment on this post, being that I'm a native Texan and all. Unfortunately, the only comment i have to make is: Yep, that sounds about right.

Anonymous said...

Texas: Brought to you by the Taliban wing of the Republican Party

dorotha said...

sure, why the hell not? okay, no the harried men don't hug. my dad's family is actually icky and republican, but my dad and my brother hug, though it is a bit akward. my mom's side of the family seems to be mostly women and they do things like share chairs even when others are open. we are very huggable because we are so nicely plump. plump and liberal.

jeremy said...

It's too bad there won't be a liberal governor from Texas anytime soon, or else we could lobby for them to sponsor a Hug-A-Harried day.

dorotha said...

do you think my mom hasn't been trying to get this idea past the montgomery county democrats as an idea for a fund raiser in the woodlands?

jeremy said...

How far out into the woodlands does your Mom want to make people wander to Hug-a-Harried? It sounds a little spooky. Will you see the Harried coming, or will they just jump out from behind a tree and start to embrace you?

dorotha said...

sneak attack! the best part is that the women in my family actually produce a venom that we exude through our skin. once we hug our victims, they are susceptible to our biddings. it is a mild neurological toxin and it totally rules!!!!!