Saturday, April 07, 2007

a dream deferred is not a dream denied

Okay, so maybe the sociology world isn't ready for the idea of a group twittercast of ASA. It's only April, though. If Twitter continues to grow at its current rate, then by the ASA meetings in August, the world will actually be needing to grow babies in vats and signing them up for Twitter as soon as they ripen just to keep the trend going.

This has been one of my notoriously unfocused Saturdays. I'm in the middle of reading five separate books right now. The best may be Allen Brandt's The Cigarette Century, which is a great (but long) history of the cigarette industry. The book, perhaps oddly, reminds me about what I found so interesting about pharma that made me go on a ten-book-bender about the pharmaceutical industry last year. With cigarettes, you just get these corporations that engage in all sorts of ugliness in the service of getting the public to buy a product that is horribly bad for them. With pharma, you get these corporations that engage in all sorts of ugliness in the service of getting the public to buy products that are often good, sometimes bad, and regularly hard to tell exactly which.


tina said...

Just because people are away for the weekend doesn't mean that the twitter idea is out the window. Count me in.

Ang said...

I got invited to Twitter, but after going to the website, I honestly still have no idea what it is. Is it like a thing where you're constantly alerting people to what you're doing? I don't get it.