Tuesday, July 03, 2007

intended to be about novels, and yet also characterizes every academic paper over twenty pages i have written

From here (HT: Mary).


Ken Houghton said...
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K said...

That sounds like the ride I took while writing my dissertation... except it leaves out the "boy my data sucks" portion and the "yes, but it is the best sucky data anyone has on the subject" pep talks from my advisor......

Ken Houghton said...

Katie - That's the "dark night of the soul" blip.

jeremy - So come out to the Burlington Marriott this weekend and compare notes with Maureen.

jessica said...

If it's a ride, like Katie calls it, and we're talking about academic papers, is getting tenure like one of those unlimited-ride bracelets you can get at the fair?

It is a pattern I know all too well (I think I'm at stage 3 in my current project), but more desirable than the flatlined boredom most of my friends' jobs offer.