Tuesday, July 24, 2007

signs of the apocalypse

1. As of this moment, sixteen out of the last seventeen posts on TMZ.com are regarding Lindsay Lohan (the other is about Britney Spears).

2. I have removed the wireless card from my Tablet PC. As is one of my favorite sayings, desperate people do desperate things.

3. I have resolved that I am only going to have one Coke Zero a day, before noon, between now and ASA. Today: Day 1. We will see how this goes. Root for me.


Gwen said...

Good luck! This is inspiring me to try to give up Diet Coke again. I haven't had one yet today. We can be Coke Anonymous partners.

sara said...

I raise my glass of lemon seltzer in cheers to your effort!

Blondie said...

Coincidentally, Tuesday was also my Day 1 for giving up Diet Mt. Dew completely. And I also had a headache.

Tea just isn't doing the bubbly sweet trick.

Good luck.