(me, on the right; the guy on the left is a college friend who is the founder/CEO of the apparel company Asymmetric Shorts)
Indeed, near the end of the Hawkeyes victory over Illinois, the Hawkeyes beloved mascot, Herky The Hawk came bounded up the stands to where I was sitting and stopped so I could get a picture with him:

(notice that the black half of the face-painted 'I' shows up much better than the gold part, leading some people to be confused about exactly what I was meaning to have done to my face)
Turns out that Herky was so struck by my boa that he asked for it. When I handed it over, I wasn't sure if the idea was that I was giving it to him or if he was just borrowing it, but Herky was certainly excited to wield the boa in several other photos with people in our section, including the man next to me who turned out to be surprisingly enthusiastic about getting a picture considering that his cap and mirror sunglasses made him seem like he was trying to attend the game as incognito as possible:

(prior to this moment, I was convinced the guy on the left was on the run from the law or a star in disguise or something)
Anyway, I concluded that giving my boa to Herky The Hawk was exactly the right ending for it--given that my yellow-boa-needs are presumably much less back at Harvard--but then he brought it back over to me before heading further up the stands.
Oh, please, please — just grow a mustache ...
I am sort of disappointed that you didn't purchase one of the pink locker room t-shirts that were on sale at the game.
You look like a cross between Mae West and the hamburglar.
Do you ever worry about embarrassing your friends when you're out in public?
CC: I might write a post about the pink shirts.
Anon 10:03: I presume that the people who would be embarrassed select themselves out of my friendship circle.
That's the hottest I've ever seen you. YUM!
looking at this makes me want to die. what doesn't make dorotha want to die, you may ask? 5 or 6 things. this is definitely not one of those things.
if your looking for me, i am selecting myself on out of jeremy's friendship circle. this is waaaaaay worse than when my dad wore black socks, ridiculously short shorts, and a too small cowboy hat tied under his chin when he would mow the lawn.
Feeling a little guilty about leaving the Midwest for the ivy-covered walls of Hah-vahd? You are way overcompensating, my Hawkeye compatriot.
I don't remember the last time I was so horrified. Honestly. I...just...gack.
Don't listen to them, Jeremy! They're all just jealous. Everyone wishes they could look as hot as you do in an outfit like that! Who's secure? That would be you.
Barring the shoes and the hat, I suspect you were just wearing your PJs to the game.
BTW, I happen to know Harvard's really into dressing "up" for Halloween, so you'll be all set for partying in a couple of weeks!
Your pics make me wish I went to a college with a cooler mascot.v
If you think that posting all of these crazy pictures of you will change my mind, you're wrong. i love you jeremy
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