I'm leaving on a 6am flight from my annual trip to Iowa City to get together with friends from college and watch a football game. I decided that I didn't want to check any luggage, so the foam Hawkeye head is staying home. As are my giant foam talons. My brand new black iPod Nano*, on the other hand, is coming along.
* Yes, black. Yes, 4 GB. Yes, purchased just this evening. Yes, it's awesome. Yes, I recognize that this makes it even more difficult for you to slog ahead in your longrunning quixotic battle to sustain your belief that you are roughly as cool as I am. Consider me taking a picture of myself wearing the foam hawkhead to be a sort of reparation.
Have you considered a mustache? I think it would work.
When are you going to be in Iowa City? You might be able to catch Better than Ezra, see them again for the first time (at least since 1994)
Ohh, I forgot to add free on the pentacrest.
Tsk. That ooks like a brain's oozed out. Ugh.
What are yu doing with your old ipod? Perhaps I could buy it from you.
Or, if you don't want to sell the ipod to islander, perhaps you could give it to me for free.
Also, if you don't already wear your foam hat as a bike helmet, you should. Because rhymes with scrabble is right about it making you look like Quirrell. Actually, you should probably wear it when you jog, too, because you might get distracted and run into things or fall down.
Jeremy, the Nano is cool, but that thing on your head is disturbing me!
It looks like there are a lot of iPod newbies here, so someone should mention that buying additional iPods is not typically a rational (functional) decision based on replacing the existing model with more capable technology. Rather, you buy more iPods because they are cool and you like them. To many people, it's more comparable to having pieces of art. You wouldn't necessarily give away (or sell at a discount) your existing piece of art because you bought another one, would you? Of course not, because (and here's the kicker) you can own TWO pieces of art. This might not be the case with Jeremy, but it's a fairly common sentiment among iPod owners (and Apple loyalists more generally) of my acquaintance.
(ie Iago wants the 'old' one))
You need to make better use of your time. I didn't have blogging in mind when I approved your leave. You're at Harvard, there are better things to do. For example, take my son to lunch, or better yet, to dinner at Tamarind, a terrific Thai place out on Mass Ave. He'll show you how to get there. You can reach him at halaby@fas.harvard.edu.
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