Saturday, January 27, 2007

annals of public sociology

Check out the review of Kieran's book in the NYT Sunday Book Review. Score one for public sociology served up without any icky self-righteous-preening aftertaste, and score one for sociologists with blogs as well.

Meanwhile, I was hanging out with a friend yesterday while she was reading Loïc Wacquant's Body & Soul: Notebooks of an Apprentice Boxer. I went back just now and looked up the 2003 NYT article on that, which includes:
"Body & Soul," which Mr. Wacquant says is only the first installment of his work on boxing -- a second, more ambitious book, "The Passion of the Pugilist," is under way
Does anyone know the status of this book? Wasn't the fieldwork for Body & Soul was done in 1988? I recognize there is no statute of limitations for ethnography, especially "carnal sociology" that is dependent on personal, embodied experiences that I'm sure can be easily recaptured in fully accurate vividness by a quick re-consultation of one's fieldnotes, but I was just wondering if there was any word on whether the second book would be out by the 20th anniversary of Wacquant's experience as a boxer.


tina said...

Kudos to Kieran for this awesome review. And they didn't even mention how cool the cover is...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the status of this book?

Probably Wacquant knows. You could just email him and ask, Boy Detective.

Anonymous said...

Loic gone beat you down, boy detective!