Sunday, March 19, 2006


Awhile back, I had a paper that I needed to work on and I procrastinated by reading a couple of self-helpish books on procrastination. This weekend, I have had a paper that I have needed to be working on and I've procrastinated by reading George Ainslie's Breakdown of Will, which is an academic book that provides a utility theory way of thinking about a variety of self-defeating behaviors, including procrastination.

Regardless, I'm otherwise having fun here in Madison. I had coffee the other day with someone who said I had "the best job in the world" because I was a tenured college professor at a school located in Madison. Which does make one wonder why I would have chosen to do a two-year leave that takes me somewhere else. Then again, it is Harvard, and my first time living outside the Midwest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tenure would have been a real asset to me Weds night when I was told "due to territory restructuring we are going to have to let you go".
