Friday, September 07, 2007

the ethnographer next door

So, they are renovating the sociology houses at Northwestern. The office next door to mine has an especially fetching new paint job:

office next door

I want to paint my own window frames now. My walls are Seven-Year Itch. I was thinking of doing light blue, although a friend on the phone just now made the intriguing suggestion of black. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Be creative: paper the place with printouts of your blog...

Anonymous said...

Why not use the Charlie Brown yellow/black zig-zag across each wall?

Anonymous said...

Be careful with painting the window frames though. Think not of how it will look days after painting, but after cracking in cold and sun. They're functional so you want them to slide smoothly, and there's nothing like paint flakes jamming up the grooves in years to come as the layers build up. Don't go overboard -- someday someone will pine for the original unpainted wood you have now.

Brady said...

Stain 'em!

Anonymous said...

Shove some bookcases in front of your windows. Paint a window on a bare wall, with a view of your own choosing (eg Harvard Yard).