Saturday, October 21, 2006

i cannot believe that it is 5am and i am still awake

It's not like I was out gallivanting to all hours. Instead, it's just me doing some reading, incidental fretting, googlestalking people from my past and hanging out with the lifelong bane of my existence, insomnia. Ugh. Not being able to sleep makes it exceedingly difficult to settle into or maintain routines. Plus, it tends to make me some combination of morose and cranky. All you who are blissfully asleep as I type this, I covet your sweet dreams.


Anonymous said...

Hey, sleepy head! Have you ever tried watching a movie in bed? If I lie down on the couch with a movie playing, I guarantee you I won't see the ending. Anything to shut off the brain's endless chatter seems to work. "Mash" is my all time favorite sleeping pill. I think Alan Alda's voice could put anyone to sleep. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Sister A is right. I put a tv and vcr in my bedroom for exactly that reason. Just put in a movie you've seen before, and set the sleep timer for 1 hour. Also, melatonin and a glass of wine will knock you out.

Ang said...

Yeah. For me it's my massage therapy educational dvd. It's so cold and sterile (okay, dull), and somehow just looking at people get massaged is relaxing to me, even if the voiceover is like, "Petrissage, also used in equine therapy, are all performed with the padded palmar surface of the hand..."

Anonymous said...

I can't stand tv's in bedrooms, but I do sometimes listen to books on tape when I can't sleep. Same idea, and at least you're passively entertained.

Anonymous said...

Good sex before bed and a large glass of milk works for some...


Anonymous said...

I am blessed with going to sleep within a couple of minutes after head finding pillow. And unless I consumed too much liquid prior to beddy-bye time, liquid that scream's out in the middle of the night to be set free, I will sleep like a dead-man for about 7 hours. Even when I have to answer the calling in the middle of the night, it's right back to sleep.

Eat your heart out...

Roomie has your problem at times, and TV (Andy Griffith reruns) usually does it for her.

Anonymous said...

Heavy drinking of rum, aaaarrrgh!

dorotha said...

1. it is quite easy for me to believe that it is 5am and you are (were) still awake.

2. my dreams are not sweet. my medication makes them quite insane, and yet they also seem a continuation of my life, which creates situations in which i wake up convinced that something truly bizarre has happened to me. since my medication also makes me forget everything, it is as if my real life is being replaced by this nut-so life at night. at least my dreams aren't scary.

3. nothing makes me fall asleep if i don't want to. i think you should just embrace it and use the time to do leisure activities like reading. or start cleaning in the middle of the night. reorganize stuff. do crafts.