Tuesday, February 21, 2006

correlation, or causality?

Okay, so I survived the first of the three talks I'm giving in the next nine days. Apparently the e-mail from Lawrence Summers to everyone at Harvard announcing his resignation was sent while I was speaking. To my knowledge, these two things are not related.


Andrea said...

perhaps Summers' resignation will become such a landmark event in American history that you'll get to recount your talk again and again over the next 40 years or so.

Andrea said...

Further, if your talk and notice of the resignation were concurrent, I think it is safe to say that your presentation did not bring the Summers' regime to its knees. However, one can always dream.

Anonymous said...

No, they're not related. But that sizzle you're experiencing (correlation causality)! shows how far you've come in just a few short months. You're not in Madison any more. Cambridge isn't the center, but isn't it fun?

fgazy (word verification)

Anonymous said...

Maybe I will mail Larry Summers some introductory sociology textbooks and a subscription to ASR.

Anonymous said...

anon @ 8:23

as punishment?