Wednesday, May 17, 2006

too nice for these parts

The headline of one my city's newspapers today reads: "We're Not Rude Enough! City Only Ranks Fifth in Rude Drivers." The accompanying article does take some pride in Boston ranking number one in "honking" and "cursing people out," although for the latter it is apparently tied with Chicago.

Where I come from, people still regularly raise one finger--their index finger--from the steering wheel to wave at cars coming from the other direction. Total strangers, even.

I need to make decisions about what I am going to do with my car in the next week and a half. Right now it is sitting a friend's parking lot in Madison, not being driven but taking $500+ out of my bank account every month.


Anonymous said...

That $500 is time payments and insurance? Or? And you're not using the car....

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could rent the car to a visiting faculty member?